The sensation of convulsions in the stomach area is common, especially for women and children, where it results from various causes and produces severe pain, whether eating or eating, or diarrhea, constipation and change in stool color. Feeling nauseous and wanting to get out.
Because we eat many harmful foods full of bacteria and infectious fungi, the stomach and the entire digestive system may be at risk.
The problem of gastritis and infection with ulcers, acidity and burning is one of the most important problems. Gastritis causes some severe pain with nausea, vomiting and indigestion. But nature is dear to play a major role in the treatment of this problem, says Dr. Hassan Essawi, a researcher in the field of medicinal plants at the National Research Center. You can eat some magical natural herbs that work to calm and treat gastrointestinal infections.
Arxus has important properties in the healing of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a beverage with low calories, so it keeps your body lean.
You can drink licorice by boiling the licorice leaves with a fruit of apple peel and a glass of water on the fire and leave it to boil. Remove from the fire after eating a tablespoon of honey. It is recommended to eat three times daily before meals.
Peppermint leaves are natural herbs that play a therapeutic role for gastroenteritis.
Peppermint leaves are rich in essential oils such as menthol oil, which helps to treat inflammation, acidity of the stomach and elimination of ulcers. , As it relieves persistent vomiting and overcome indigestion. Natural aniseed herbs have the ability to soothe the stomach and stomach cramps. Anise also works to expel gases and relieve stomach bulges and completely eliminates all irritating symptoms of gastric pain. Spoon a tablespoon of mint leaves with a teaspoon of aniseed herbs in a vase with water on the fire until boiling. Drink and drink twice a day.
Pomegranate is known for its benefits to the digestive system, it is rich in antioxidants that purify the toxins causing digestive problems.
When pomegranate leaves are used, they will completely eliminate infections and stomach ulcers. Although pomegranate peel has a bitter taste, it is a natural remedy for regulating the acidity of the stomach and reducing its pain.
Of herbal recipes that can cure stomach infections and pains. Drink basil leaves with ginger.
This recipe is very effective in calming the stomach as its components contain antibacterial substances and fungi that cause stomach bacterial infection. Rayhan and Gazabil leaves act as natural antibiotic in the treatment of indigestion and elimination of nausea and vomiting.
Bring a tablespoon of basil leaves and mix them with a teaspoon of ginger powder. Boil the herbs in a glass of water. Eat this tea daily in the morning and once in the evening for a week. A basil syrup with a teaspoon of honey or a ginger drink with a little fennel seed is also effective in treating stomach infections and calming pain.
Chamomile flowers of beneficial herbs in the treatment of digestive problems, especially the problem of gastritis and colon.
Chamomile flowers contain compounds and natural and effective properties to soothe the pain of stomach ulcers. Chamomile flowers regulate the pH of the stomach, and are rich in natural essential oils that limit bloating and swelling of the stomach. It also helps to expel gases greatly. Put a tablespoon of chamomile flowers in a cup of boiling water and add a tablespoon of honey, and then eat it three times a day for a week to get rid of the symptoms of painful stomach infections and precautions to boil chamomile flowers so as not to volatilize oils and active compounds.
The treatment of drugs that treat bacterial infections, and viral infections, there is no cure for them, but are taking treatments that reduce the symptoms of infection, and ends the virus after the completion of the entire life cycle.
You should see your doctor immediately if you have increased pain or accompanied by bleeding with your stool.
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